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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Autodesk - 3ds Max 2014 64bit

Architecture program famous and most widely used products Alatodsk
Program Autodesk 3ds Max 2014 best program in the design three-dimensional most of the giant and global very program 3D Studio Max of the best and most powerful programs Artistic Direction three-dimensional is program the most wonderful in the design of people and work Altatert Film animation and other design any graphics really is 3D Studio Max the first giant in the world of design using trios Dimensions compatible with all versions of Windows

3D modeling and animation software
Autodesk® 3ds Max® software provides a comprehensive 3D modeling, animation, rendering, and compositing solution for games, film, and motion graphics artists. 3ds Max 2014 has new tools for crowd generation, particle animation, and perspective matching, as well as support for Microsoft® DirectX 11® shaders.

Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2014 System Requirements:

* Windows® 8 or Windows® 7 64-bit Professional operating system
* 64-bit Intel or AMD multi core processor
* 4 GB RAM minimum (8 GB recommended)
* 4.5 GB free disk space for installation
* 3-button mouse
* Latest version of Microsoft® Internet Explorer®, Apple® Safari®, or Mozilla® Firefox® web browser
* Refer to the Recommended Hardware Wizard for a complete list of recommended systems and graphics cards

SIZE : 3.10 GB

Windows 64bit


Download Using

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.4

Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® 4 software provides a comprehensive set of digital photography tools, from powerfully simple
one-click adjustments to cutting-edge advanced controls. Create images that inspire, inform, and delight.
Top features

4.4 Bugs – Fixed
• The crop overlay tool resized incorrectly when used in conjunction with the “Constrain to Crop” checkbox in the Lens Correction panel
• Background graphics were not correctly rendered within the Book Module
• Reading metadata from file would sometimes result in keyword and and GPS metadata to not save for video files
• Updated the "Missing File Icon" for HiDPI / Retina dispalsy
• The supplied lens profile for the Sony RX-1 did not contain vignette information
• Preview in Develop Module was not updated with the latest adjustments
• Square tile artifacts while painting with brush
• Previews of photos in portrait orientation were blurry when viewed in the filmstrip in the Develop module. (Mac only)
• Image in Book Disappears After Changing Modules
• Error changing modules when in Slideshow with second monitor connected
• Stack badges displayed the wrong count when creating new stack that included a preexisting stack.
• Local Adjustment Effect (Brushed Adjustment) Disappears (temporarily) After Selecting a Pin (Win only)
• Book changes are not saved after switching between modules
• The Filter scrollbar within the Library module was not rendering properly.
• Auto-tone was not working properly when used in conjunction with the Exposure adjustment slider. (Win only)
• The Black&White button was not creating a History state within the Develop module. (Win only)
• When switching from image to image, remnants of previous image visible on fringes of new photo. This occurred on Retina screens only.
• RGB color readouts were specified in the Adobe RGB colorspace rather than the ProPhoto linear colorspace. This occurred when working in Soft Proofing within the Develop module.
• Horizontal artifacts would occassionally appear in DNG files.
• Adding a page behaved inconsistently in the Book module depending on the method used to add a page.
• The state of the “Remove Chromatic Aberrations” checkbox within the Lens Correction was not persistent between sessions of Lightroom.
• Cannot add contacts from Address Book to email on Mac
• Sliders can no longer be moved on Win by using mouse wheel.


Download Using KLICK

Monday, April 15, 2013

Cara Copy File ISO KE USB Flasdisk

Oke Sobat BLoger, kali saya akan menjelaskan cara Copy/Burn file ISO ke USB Flashdisk.  
Ini pengalaman ane waktu nyari aplikasi untuk copy windows 8 ke usb Flasdisk, ane sudah melakukan berbagai cara udah tapi tetep gagal untuk mengcopy file iso ke Flashdisk, karena Windows 8 tidak bisa di copy ke flashdisk soal nya selalu erorr kayanya ada file yang ga bisa di copy. Akhirnya ane nemu applikasi ini Download

Berikut mengcopy windows 8 ke flasdik

CAri Lokasi File ISO nya dengan MEngklik Browse
Kemudian lokasi Flasdisk 
Centang Bootable only support Windwos bootable ISo image
Lalu klik Burn kalo ada peringatan klik Ok, ok, ok saja
Nanti PRosrs burn ke Flasdsik akan di Proses

Tunggu hingga Prorses BURn selesai

Klo uda Success klik ok dan close

ok tinggal coba di Laptop atw netbook agan ^_^ , 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Autodesk AutoCAD 2014 (x86/x64)

Autodesk AutoCAD 2014 design and ation software, of the world’s leading 2D and 3D CAD tools, will allow you to design and shape the world around you using its powerful and flexible features. Speedation, share ideas seamlessly, and explore ideas more intuitively in 3D. With thousands of available add-ons, AutoCAD software provides the ultimate in flexibility, customized for your specific needs. It’s time to take design further. AutoCAD 2014 software enables you to create and explore ideas like never before. With AutoCAD software Autodesk has just one goal in mind: increasing your productivity. From conceptual design through drafting and detailing, AutoCAD 2014 is all you need to create, visualize,, and share your ideas. AutoCAD combines the familiar AutoCAD commands and user interface that you already know with an updated design environment, giving you the power to shape and explore your ideas like never before.
Size : 2.4 Gb
Cylinder cores 32 and 64-bit with each core activation

You must use one of these السيريالات in the first step in the activation
And this code:

Aktivation only


Download use Klick

Monday, April 8, 2013

Membuat Menu Tab View di Blog

Oke Para SObar Bloger ALngsung saja Cara Membuat Menu Tab View di Blog.
Menu tab view ini digunakan untuk menghemat tempat di blog karena menu ini merupakan gabungan dari beberapa menu lainnya. Mungkin para bloger yang Sudah sempit tidak bisa tambah Gadget lagi. Selain itu juga bisa membuat tampilan blog kita lebih terkesan keren dan minimalis. Pastinya sobat sudah pernah lihat semua kan menu tab view ini, salah satu contohnya dibawah:

Berikut langkah -langkah nya:
Login  ke akun blogger sobat.
Langsung menuju ke menu Template
Pilih Edit HTML
Terus centang Expand Widget Template
 Cari kode ]]></b:skin> , kemudian letakkan kode dibawah ini tepat DIATAS kode ]]></b:skin>

/* Menu Tab View

----------------------------------------------- */

div.TabView div.Tabs {

padding-top: 0px;

height: 24px;

overflow: hidden;


/* Menu Utama */

div.TabView div.Tabs a {

float: left;

display: block;

width: 90px; /* ukuran lebar menu */

text-align: center;

height: 24px; /* ukuran tinggi menu */

padding-top: 3px;

margin-right:4px; /* jarak antarmenu */

vertical-align: middle;

border: 1px solid #CCC; /* warna border menu */

border-bottom-width: 0;

font-family: "Arial", Times New Roman, Serif; /* jenis huruf menu */

font-size: 12px; /* besar hurup menu */

letter-spacing: -1px;

background-color: #A4A4A4; /* warna latar menu */

color: #FFFFFF; /* warna hurup menu */




div.TabView div.Tabs a.Active {

background-color: #888888; /* warna background menu aktif */

color: #FFFFFF;


div.TabView div.Tabs a:hover {

background-color: #999999; /* warna background menu hover */

color: #FFFFCC;

font-weight: bold;


/* Kotak Utama */

div.TabView div.Pages {

clear: both;

border: 1px solid #CCC; /* warna border kotak utama */

overflow: hidden;

background:url(""); /* background kotak utama */


div.TabView div.Pages div.Page {

height: 100%;

padding: 0px;

overflow: hidden;


div.TabView div.Pages div.Page div.Pad {

padding: 3px 5px;

font-size: 12px; /* besar huruf kotak utama */


*Huruf yang berwarna merah di rubah  sesuai yang sobat inginkan

   Kemudian letakkan lagi kode berikut ini tepat DIBAWAH kode  ]]></b:skin>

<script src="" type="text/javascript"/>

    Kemudian simpan template sobat.
    Sekarang lanjut ke langkah berikutnya, langsung menuju ke menu Layout (tata letak)
    Klik Add Gadget dan pilih HTML/JavaScript.
    Lalu copy paste kode berikut di kotak yang disediakan

form action="tabview.html" method="get">
<div id="TabView" class="TabView">
<div style="width: 100%;" class="Tabs">
<a title="Keterangan Menu 1">Menu 1</a>
<a title="Keterangan Menu 2">Menu 2</a>
<a title="Keterangan Menu 3">Menu 3</a>
<div style="width: 99%; height: 200px;" class="Pages">
<!--Awal Menu 1-->
<div class="Page"><div class="Pad">
Isi Menu 1.1<br/>
Isi Menu 1.2<br/>
Isi Menu 1.dst<br/>
<!--Akhir Menu 1-->
<!--Awal Menu 2-->
<div class="Page"><div class="Pad">
Isi Menu 2.1<br/>
Isi Menu 2.2<br/>
Isi Menu 2.dst<br/>
<!--Akhir Menu 2-->
<!--Awal Menu 3-->
<div class="Page"><div class="Pad">
Isi Menu 3.1<br/>
Isi Menu 3.2<br/>
Isi Menu 3.dst<br/>
<!--Akhir Menu 3-->
<script type="text/javascript">tabview_initialize('TabView');</script>
<div style="font-size:90%; text-align:right; text-shadow:2px 2px 2px #adadad;"><a href="" target="_blank" title="Tabview Widget">HDesign-comm</a></div>

Thanks to

Windows 8 Pro x86 Blue build 9364 (RUS/ENG)

Assembly based on a pre release version of Pro 6.3 build 9364 x86 EN Just installed the Russian localization, from the author PainteR and those who helped him. Integrated NET Framework 3.0 - 3.5 and Russified installation. Boot.wim file from author Lopatkin Install only in Russian, then if you want you can switch to English.

Changes in contrast to build 9200
Updated kernel version 6.3
New animation.
New sorting applications.
Improved organization Charabanc (Wonder buttons).
Enabled Internet Explorer version 11.
Integration of Sky Drive.
The new organization, and recycled adjust PC.
New applications Modern UI. (For example calculator, alarm clock, etc.)
The ability to change the size of the tiles on the home screen (up to 4 options, against 2 in Windows 8).
New panel PC Settings, now as a standalone application to search and new series (choice is already available on the OOBE screen).
Securing more than 2 applications Modern UI (up to 3 for resolutions above 1680x1050, and up to 4 with a screen resolution of 2560x1600).
Opportunity to build a second application in Modern-interface with a resolution of 1024x768 pixels (for Windows 8, this option will appear starting with screen resolution 1366x768).

About Classification:
Technical realization: Mr. dUSHA, Tihiy, PainteR
Localization: Microsoft, PainteR, TireD

During the installation of any system file is not izmenenudalen.
The translation is done in accordance with the official terminology of Microsoft.
LP is just and does not replace any other language.
Accepted by the system as the original LP from Microsoft.
Localization - 90% with the tail.
For more from the author simply no time.

few highlights:
1. PC specifications (Modern UI) is not finalized and generally falling apart, besides the location without interfering with the original files are not supported, so the installer allows you to switch the view to the previous form (Windows 8), which in turn is localized.
2. The same goes for family Modern UI applications natively new location, but not all properly display it.
3. Names of groups of users, devices (such as speakers) get their name from the first pass after installing Windows, therefore, on the part of the English and remains.
4. If the programs do not display Russian fonts, switch the language for non-Unicode programs (Control Panel -> Regional Options -> Advanced tab) to the package it is not irrelevant.

System requirements:
Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or higher.
RAM: 1 gigabyte (GB) for the 32-bit version.
Free hard drive space: 16 gigabytes (GB) for the 32-bit version.
Graphics: the graphics device Microsoft DirectX 9 or later.
Additional requirements to use certain features
To use the touch features require tablet or monitor with multi-touch
To access the Shop Windows to download and run applications that require an active Internet connection and a screen resolution of at least 1024 x 768 pixels. Applications need to bind with resolution of 1366 x 768

Release year: 2013
Version: build 9364.130315
Developer: microsoft
By assembling: Bukmop
Russian localization Author: PainteR
Bit depth: 32bit (x86)
Language: Russian, English
Treatment: There is

 2.74 GB