Sunday, August 18, 2013

Windows XP Professional Pre SP4 x86

 Windows XP Professional Pre SP4 x86 Incorporate August 2013 | 771 MB

This is the original Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3 (32-bit) ISO (Volume License) with improvements for SP4 (unofficial), including Microsoft updates until 14.08.2013, Internet Explorer 8, Adobe Flash Player (11.8.800.94), add-ons, Chipset and SATA drivers. This version is the best from the internet and contains:

- NO additional programs and software added.
- NO graphics, scripts and wallpapers added or changed.
- NO serial needed during installation, the key is already inserted.
- Windows Messenger, MSN Explorer and Internet Explorer 6 were removed.
- It's the original image from Microsoft except added updates, IE8, Adobe Flash Player, .NET Framework 3.0, 3.5, 4, Silverlight, PowerShell, BitLocker, Image Mastering API, MSXML 4.0, Chipset and SATA drivers.



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